Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Case Study Essay Example

Case Study Essay ExampleSample exemplification essays and the student's response to them are crucial to our process of choosing which cases to take and which ones we will not. The truth is that there are many cases in which a student takes the first case offered to him and doesn't get the information he needs to decide whether to pursue it further. This is a problem with most exemplification projects and it will be easy to fix. Here is how.Once you have taken your project and your assignment in hand, you should look at the basic format and what the issues are for the case you are given. For example, what is the main issue that is being raised? Does it make a direct statement of fact or is it a question and answer session?The main issue may be the lawyer's jurisdiction. Whether or not the lawyers representing the two sides know the laws or are able to converse freely with the judge can also be an issue.Another issue can be the apparent relief that the case will get when one side preva ils. This can include how long the evidence can be challenged and contested. It can also include how long the duration for the case can be and whether the total cost of the case can be covered.Next, look at the method of presentation. If the case is taken to a court of law then the type of presentation will be concerned. There will be arguments and hearings and sometimes this can be too much for the student to handle. Sometimes the case is simply too big and that is why we will try to play it down so the student can get some rest.Finally, consider the analysis questions. These are not presented as general statements but as a set of questions about the way the case was handled. The questions are closely tied to the main argument of the case. For example, if the lawyer, representing the plaintiff, argues that the defendant did not act reasonably, the lawyer will likely ask questions that establish why the defendant acted in such a way.The major issues that could arise from any sample exemplification essay will be those related to the key issues. Since the essay has been developed in consultation with the student, the attorneys and even the judge, it has been handled with care. The goal of the project is to introduce a student to the law and to give him enough information to be able to understand the arguments of the side.In a recent study, each side of a lawsuit represented in a case had spent an average of only six minutes talking during the argument period. This means that the essay that is being read to the student is also being read out of the same six-minute period of time.

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